Greetings, my nice to have you here. I want you to enjoy your stay and have selected wonderfully peaceful music for you..It you would rather browse in silence, feel free to disable the playlist...I won't mind...this is all for you.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Figuring Life Out - One Thousand Gifts

PLEASE SCROLL DOWN AND TURN OFF MY PLAYLIST BEFORE WATCHING VIDEO SO YOU DON'T HEAR THEM BOTH AT THE SAME TIME! THANKYOU AND ENJOY THIS LITTLE TREASURE! I kind of messed up a bit here...I wrote a post about this video that is actually the next post after this..I wanted it to be the other way around, but it is late and for some reason, my brain did not function the way I wanted...nothing new there! I would really like it if you read the post about "How do you live your moments" first and then watch the video, but you know what? Just as long as you get the message any which way is just fine. it is...take it in and feel it deep. And then...share it with someone you love and then, could you spare one of those little moments to let me know if it made a difference. love to you all!

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