It is another Wishcasting Wednesday at Jamie Ridler Studios...one of my favorite places. She always leads me to really think and ask myself some questions that bring much needed clarity to my life. This weeks question, "What do I wish to focus on?" could have several answers...obvious ones, like: losing weight, being healthy, getting organized, etc..but, I like to dig a bit deeper and try to find some new truth that isn't so obvious. Lately, I have found myself kind of stuck in the "If only's"...you know, "if only this hadn't happened, I would be happy" or "if only that person hadn't done that to me then I would be not going through this or that"...it is a very insidious little rut to fall into and can be hard to dig ones self out of. Especially, if one is rather feeling sorry for herself and wallowing in it like a little piggie neck deep in the mud. It seems to me, it really is an issue of not wanting to let go. If I let go of the "If only", then I might just have to move forward to the "What if?"..like, "what if I learn from this lesson and make something positive come out of it?" Or, even harder, "What if I stop feeling sorry for myself for what I don't have and be grateful for what I do and stop looking over the rainbow for something that is right in front of me?" Ahhh...now you see why I chose Dorothy as my blog picture. She epitomizes the state of being I have been in..there is something outside of myself that I am lacking and if I can just get my hands on it, life will be all bluebirds. If my life's circumstances were different, then I would find the end of the rainbow..it is all out of my hands..and on and on..blah.blah.blah. Pathetic! For Dorothy, it takes a freaking tornado to move her to a new place...she fights a wicked witch and goes through hell just to find out that the witch melts away with a bucket of water...Then, after all that, she is told that "She always had the power within her to go home" and she never needed the wizard at all, but just needed to click her shoes 3 times. I am sorry, but as much as I love the movie, if I were Dorothy, I think I would've punched Glinda square in her pretty little glittery face. And...I might add that I feel there is something missing at the movie that bothers me. When Dorothy finally clicks those heels and says, "There's no place like home", I just really wish that her life turned into one of brilliant color. That revelation should've counted for something and changed her world...who wants to live forever in sepia tones? SO!! I didn't really expect this to turn into a commentary on "The Wizard of Oz", but I feel like I am on a roll here. Is there an answer to the wishcasting question somewhere in this all? Yes, and here it is...I wish to focus on being over the rainbow about my life just where I am and as it is..in spite of the occasional tornado or fall in the pigpen. I do not need to follow a yellow brick road in search of someone or something outside of myself to bring some color in..I wish to stop giving away my power to those "if onlys" and choose to start dwelling in the possibility of "What if?" because that is where my power lies and Glinda is right..It has always been right there. So, I guess my focus is about letting go and letting in..letting go of the past...hurts, disappointments, painful rejections and all and focus on letting in...more love, more gratitude, more forgiveness..more blessing. I have a seriously blessed life...it is about time I clicked my heels about it!